NIH T-32 Research Fellowships
Understanding the role genetics plays in both health and disease provides a path to integrating scientific discoveries into the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of many diseases, both rare and common. Funded by an NIH NIGMS Postdoctoral T32 Training Grant and jointly directed by Dr. Julian Martinez and Dr. Stanley Nelson, the UCLA Intercampus Medical Genetics T32 Research Training Program seeks applicants with research interests in areas of genomic medicine, including pathophysiology, molecular mechanisms, phenotyping, and therapy for genetic diseases.
We offer a wide variety of research training opportunities in molecular, biochemical, immuno-, cancer, cyto-, somatic cell, population, and clinical genetics of sufficient intensity and duration to enable our trainees to become independent, productive investigators. Trainees will obtain experience in developing their own research program, designing and performing research projects, and writing manuscripts and grants under the guidance of their faculty mentors. Trainees will also complete certified courses on responsible conduct in research and research reproducibility, participate in Human Genetics 400A-B-C, participate in a monthly career mentoring seminar series with opportunities for networking, and present their data at an intercampus research retreat and/or a national genetics or subspecialty scientific meeting.
Applicants must (1) be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, (2) have an MD, PhD, DDS, or equivalent doctoral degree, (3) be performing research broadly related to human genetics, medical genetics, or molecular biology, (4) dedicate 75% protected time towards their research project, (5) have future plans to submit extramural grant applications, and (6) be sponsored by an approved UCLA faculty mentor. Selection is based on academic performance, research experience, research potential, and commitment to an independent academic career.
We believe that the learning experience is enhanced for all by including individuals of different backgrounds and perspectives and recognize the importance of developing a diverse workforce in the field of genetics. Hence, we solicit and encourage applicants who will strengthen our diversity. We define diversity broadly to include race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability status, place of origin, religion, age, and other characteristics.
Period of Support
Appointments will be made for one year from July 1 to June 30 with the possibility of renewal for the following year. Trainees who have received one year of support and who desire support for an additional year must submit a new application. No individual fellow may receive more than three years of aggregate NRSA support at the postdoctoral level, including any combination of NRSA support from institutional and individual awards. A trainee’s appointment is contingent upon their faculty mentor’s commitment to providing supplemental funding.
How to Apply
The following application materials are required. Incomplete or unsigned applications will not be reviewed:
- The Application Form. For the application, reach out to Jerome Keh
- Your curriculum vitae (CV) that must include: (a) education, (b) postdoctoral training and (c) publications (with a copy of your most relevant publication). Include a section detailing past, submitted, and current grant/award funding sources of support for the past three years, if any.
- Two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from your faculty mentor.
- Your faculty mentor’s curriculum vitae or NIH biographical sketch, not to exceed five pages.
Submit the completed application materials as a single PDF file (using the following naming convention: Applicant First Name Last Name_Mentor Last Name_MGT32Post_Application.pdf) with your faculty mentor copied to Jerome Keh ( by Friday, February 28, 2025.